FOCUSED is a very unique program of laser focused one on one sessions (In person or online with Alba), that will help you develop a new level of clarity and confidence to start showing up and communicating as the capable and intelligent person you are.

The power of clarity...

Having clarity on what you need to reach your next level and how to do it, is more important than having a lot of knowledge. We live in an era where we have access to so much information. But we fall short with implementation.

This program is designed to help you identify where changes or new tools are needed, then it will guide you in a process of finding alignment within yourself and the goals you want to achieve, then you will learn a variety of powerful and proven tools and be guided through the implementation.





We will use my proven and systematic approach, designed after +10 years of experience in my industry, my engineering background and my personal experience of 44 years in this life.




Tap into your inner strengths and build the connection with yourself to succeed.

Rediscover your value so you can be more confident in your abilities and improve your decision-making skills.

Reassess your life and establish meaningful goals in your career.

Get in flow and increase your productivity. Get organised and feel in control of your life.

Your first impression will influence whether people like you and want to do business with you.

Understand what elements you need to further develop to become a trusted and respected leader in your industry.

Be seen as a credible, professional and confident individual that has a unique leadership style.

Learn how to command respect and create opportunity online and in person.


Learn how to create a magnetic presence that gets you noticed and brings you success.

Learn how to align your body language with your words to create impact wherever you go.

Communicate with ease and be listened to in all situations.

Be the person who commands the room in an authentic way.

Learn the communication skills of a masterful leader.

'Alba is so passionate, wise and full of energy! She has helped me align who I am with how I show up in the world.

Before I met Alba, I was unsure and unclear about how I should show up both in person and in the digital space. I was feeling insecure with no direction on how to improve. I had been trying to do this by myself for two years and nothing had changed until working with Alba.

I loved the idea that I could ALIGN both who I am AUTHENTICALLY with being powerful and not trying to be someone else.

If you are getting in your own way, this is the perfect program because it works on the human BEING not just the DOING.

You will get the strategy and great tools, but they wouldn’t be so powerful without the initial part of the program. I am now feeling pumped and way more confident.

I now know how to build my credibility and am clear on my strategy to take my business to the next level.'

Emily Dickinson - Business coach

'Alba thank you for helping me be a better person honestly, you have allowed me get my life back into balance and far beyond. I feel like a new person!!

Before I met Alba, I was feeling uncertain about things and was constantly second guessing myself. I felt bored. I knew I wanted to grow from where I was and needed guidance because I couldn’t do it myself.

Now I feel like I truly believe in myself and my abilities. I am not uncertain anymore and I trust my instincts. I wouldn’t have been able to achieve this level of self-belief and inner healing without Alba‘s guidance.

If you feel your life isn’t going in the right direction or it is out of balance, working with Alba will be great for you. I have grown exponentially, both personally and professionally. People want to be around me more. My new belief in myself is showing externally.

My personal relationship has grown immensely and I have created new career opportunities which I never thought were possible. I feel so much happiness and joy!'

Dan Gianfrancesco - Project manager


A visible, consistent and stand out personal brand

An online and in person message that is authentic and unique

Opportunities, promotions, more exposure, higher income

Your unique executive and professional presence

Clarity, direction and purpose


3 x 70 minutes 1-1 sessions . In person or via video call

The recording of the calls for further reference

Access to me via Voxer for extra support

Your Impression Management Assessment

(These sessions will be personalised to your needs and can include: mentoring, coaching, creating an executive presence, body language and presentation skills, image fine-tunning, work-life balance, time management and others)

Access to my proven 7-pillar system and all of my tools

As seen on:

What is the investment

Total Value

3 1-1 sessions x 70 mins                                                  $3000

Impression Management Assessment report                $500

Access in Voxer for 3 weeks                                              $400

Over $3900


AUD$ 1497

1 x payment

2 x payments

AUD$ 799


approx USD$950

approx USD$508

Best deal

Most flexible


Have questions? Let's chat

Book a time to talk!

This package is only available until the 15th of October

After that my smaller package available is my 4-month program for $6000


This is your opportunity to stop hiding! When we hide we lose opportunities, we miss out on having fulfilling lives and we don't enjoy ourselves!

My desire for you is that you remember who you are at your core, so you can make it bigger, bolder and more powerful!

It is time to rise to your full potential!

My clients have so much more

confidence and clarity!

'To say I'm impressed with Alba's coaching is an understatement.

She helped me draw out some quite profound AHA moments that helped me understand at a deeper level why I behave the way I do.

I am now so much more clear about my strengths and uniqueness and how to position my self in my industry as the leader I am.

My communications skills have increased and I am connecting better with my clients which has a direct impact on my results. And I keep getting positive feedback from my clients!

Alba gave me tools to steer my ship MUCH more efficiently in the direction I want it to go and FAR less subject to the direction the wind or current is running. That is a HUGE deal.

Seriously huge. Thank you. I am very appreciative for all your guidance.’

Peter RobersonReal Estate

'I was not a very confident woman before I met Alba.

I wouldn’t have been able to achieve all I have achieved without the tools, encouragement, and support I have received from Alba.

I now hold my head up high when I walk into a room. I feel strong, visible and confident in me.

A few of the great things that have happened since working with Alba, is that I was offered FOUR jobs at the one time. The one I went with I had only just met the CEO and two days later I had a great deal offered to me.

My friends and family have noticed a massive improvement in me from, how I dress, to how I hold myself strong. I am forever grateful for what I have learned from you, Alba and I now feel empowered and happier than ever before'.

Teresa Clarke, Insurance Broker

'Saying that I “enjoyed” working with Alba would be an understatement. She is so knowledgable, positive and uplifting.

She teaches easy steps and tools that you can start applying immediately to help you improve and get where you want to be and how you want to look.

The results I have achieved in my personal and professional life would have never happened without Alba's teachings and guidance.

The most important result out of this program for me was to be able to achieve all the above without having to change myself or having to spend lots of money or time. Alba encourages you to be the person that you desire to be.'

Cheryl Britton -Manager


Working with Alba was a lot of fun and has made me feel super confident in taking control of the things that matter most to me, both on a professional and personal level.

It was an enjoyable, challenging and empowering journey. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Alba! You have done a wonderful job in helping me to create a presence and personal brand that is true to who I am.

Having this new-found confidence has increased my energy levels and empowered me to take on challenges that I would have once tried to avoid.I have successfully transformed the way I look and feel and I am truly excited about the journey that lies ahead, both professionally and personally.

I appreciate your guidance, patience, coaching and authentic nature. I am so grateful we have crossed paths. The program was an investment for the rest of my life. My confidence is super high (in both professional and personal setting)...I have felt like a new woman since the program’.

Naomi Ahmedi - Community relations BHP

'The content of Alba's system, together with her vivacious energy, are fabulous.

It is priceless to take some time out of every day life and business to reflect on what you want. Learning the tools to become the woman who can command the room and achieve great success was priceless.

I really enjoyed learning how to create an amazing wardrobe and image that works for my lifestyle and profession!

Alba is filled with useful tools and inspirational ideas. I love managing my professional life as a lawyer with my life as a mum while looking the part.

Do not miss the opportunity to learn from Alba, she really knows her stuff!'

Stephanie Rowland


AUD$ 1497

1 x payment

2 x payments

AUD$ 799


approx USD$950

approx USD$508

Best deal

Most flexible


Have questions? Let's chat

Book a time to talk!

This package is only available until the 15th of October

After that my smaller package available is my 4-month program for $6000
