Become the GO-TO Person
in Your Industry
& Be Seen as a Leader


Personal brand coach

Building trust, credibility and a position of influence so you can make an impact, must be the priority for any career INDIVIDUAL or business owner looking to achieve success.





How to become the go-to person in your industry

The 8 steps to follow to become highly sought after

The tricks to stand out and feel more confident

The tools to create authentic communication skills and be trusted

The process of creating a unique and genuine image that is a reflection of you and your capabilities

As part of this 10-day challenge, I will be sharing a powerful video a day.

The videos will be short and fun with simple actionable steps that you can implement straight away.

To provide an extra level of implementation you will receive the checklist to assist you to craft your Personal Brand and presence as you work through the content on the videos.

You will bring together all the elements discussed during the 10 days, to create a Stand out Personal Brand.

You will be able to step further into your power as a credible and trustworthy leader in your industry.

When you establish your credibility as an expert, you open the doors to opportunity with ease and get noticed for all the right reasons. You are sought after by the media and senior management because of your expert knowledge. Most importantly you build real trust and connection with the people who matter most to you.

"Alba's challenge turned my idea of personal branding on its head.

I finally found out what really mattered and what was important with my brand and most importantly how to convey who I authentically am to take my career to the next level"

Vickie Gould. Business owner

"As a busy woman I really enjoyed how I was actually able to complete the challenge. The information was succinct but juicy, full of great pointers about how I can stop being afraid of becoming visible, stand in my power and be seen as an expert.

The beautiful workbook really brought it all together, and by the end I actually had a clear action plan to create my Unique Personal Brand".

Tonia Lewis. Business owner

I’d describe Alba as a coach who takes a very holistic approach to bring together the essential elements of communication, thought process, and personal branding.

What Alba teaches you can positively impact your communication and relationships with every other human being you interact with, family, friends, clients, as well as with yourself.

I have a far greater awareness of myself and what makes me tick, and how to consciously manage my personal brand to positively influence how I come across.

Peter Robertson. Real Estate